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  • Sumbawa Timur Mining


    Forest Stewardship in Harmony of Growth
    Forests play a pivotal role in maintaining ecological balance, providing habitat for diverse flora and fauna, and contributing to global climate regulation. Recognizing the importance of responsible environmental stewardship, we have increasingly adopted strategic forest management practices to minimize our impact on the forest area during the development of mining operations.
    Sumbawa Timur Mining
    Sumbawa Timur Mining
    Sumbawa Timur Mining Forestry Management
    STM is committed to sustainable and holistic forest management and adopts tree management systems, forest plant seed propagation, rehabilitation and revegetation programs.
    Sumbawa Timur Mining
    Sumbawa Timur Mining
    Sumbawa Timur Mining Nursery
    STM operates two nurseries to process seeds and seedlings until they are ready to be planted in the field. These two nurseries have a total capacity of 12,500 seedlings for use during the rehabilitation and revegetation process.
    Sumbawa Timur Mining
    Sumbawa Timur Mining
    Sumbawa Timur Mining Reclamation and Rehabilitation
    STM is committed to restoring opened areas to their original land condition when they are no longer required for exploration purposes. The company routinely performs rehabilitation, reclamation and revegetation activities as part of this commitment. Planning for these activities begins with a technical design prepared by STM's dedicated forestry team. The design serves as a guide to ensure rehabilitation objectives are met.
    Sumbawa Timur Mining
    Sumbawa Timur Mining
    By adopting sustainable forest management practices, we aim to leave a positive and lasting legacy, both for the environment and for future generations.
    Sumbawa Timur Mining Sumbawa Timur Mining